Friday, August 14, 2009

Reef Rider Co-Captain Rhett "MadDawg" McMahn filmed by Kantbe Thursday at Bundoran

Rhett goes to Linden jail

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Breaking news: SurfWatch business correspondent and investigative reporter, Rhett McMahn, incarcerated for,

"Violation of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community Standards. The violation in question occurred on August 8, 2009, in the region of Surf Love.
Violation: Disturbing the Peace: Repetitive Content, Spamming Repeatedly and/or persistently transmitting undesired content, whether by IM, chat, notecard, object or texture drop, or email to another Resident is unacceptable.
Action: As a result of this violation, your Second Life account is being temporarily suspended for a period of 1 days. It will return to active status on Sunday, Aug 09, 2009."

When asked for a statement from his LL holding cell, McMahn states, "Look... Bel (Beloved Avril) and I were having a conversation in IM. She was crazy saying I had wrote something about her. I ain't never said a word about Beloved Avril to ANYONE! Next thing ya know the cops are busting my ass out of my hammock and I'm face planted in the rock! I don't know what the hell she was thinking? I never spammed her sim? I haven't been there since June!"

MDSTreasurer Sixpence, an officer for MadDawg Sports and Entertainment, a company owned by McMahn, commented in a brief statement. "Mr. McMahn is only speaking to friends, employees, and family. At this time, an appeal has been filed by support ticket. Mr. McMahn is innocent of what he is accused. Mr. McMahn has agreed that any interviews will be conducted by his editor-in-chief from SurfWatch, Tauri Tigerpaw. Any other inquiries of Mr. McMahn will have to wait until after the SLSA opening competition. Let us not forget folks, Mr. McMahn is a Professional Surfer. Tricks like this could cost him dearly, and ::MD:: does not take that lightly!"

When asked if she wished to make a statement whether she was involved with these charges being filed against McMahn because of the Surf Love region as the violation occurrence, Avril stated, "Suspended? Really? comment. I have no idea why he would have been suspended. Wasn't me." She agrees they had a disagreement but that she didn't A.R. him over it.

Avril and McMahn's disagreement allegedly stemmed over the SW Resurrection post (editors note: see Resurrection blog, August 7, 2009, in SW), altho there was no mention of Avril having any ties made to Austin in that post other than her own public comments linking them. Avril denies being Dharma Austin and knowing or ever meeting Austin, altho both Austin and Avril share the same business partner. Austin "died" on March 3, 2009. Beloved Avril appeared in SL November 22, 2008. Witnesses recall Avril was identified as a founder of MUST (Metaverse United Surfers Tour), altho that affiliation has since been changed. She is involved in retailing various items to the SL surf community, and she is involved in various surfing organizations in addition to being a founder of the Kathy Griffin fan club group. Avril stated in a public posting to Kathy Griffin's website on Wednesday, August 05, 2009 5:33 pm, "I may be 50 years old but I adore Kathy. Im her biggest fan. I play the virtual reality game "Second Life" and I've formed a fan club but no one will join. It's called "Join the D LIST KISS NO a$$" - you see there are avatar "surfers" in this game yah I mean they surf on a board on fake water and compete! anyway it is soooooooo elitist and they all act like A Listers so I am the "rebel" and no one likes me. I am nice I promise! I just don't Kiss a$$ so I'm always saying I'd rather be on the D List than on the A List with you Assholes! They hate me!..." Yours truly, Beloved Avril". She was also a founder of Brass Ovaries, a women's group which no longer exists in SL, but which was coincidentally also the name of a women's group founded by Dharma Austin.

Longhard Rhode, founder of Saints of Hell Motorcycle club and sim, and SL live singer, will be holding a concert tonight, Sunday, August 9, at Southern Oasis at 9 PM SLT (106, 161, 23) and donating all of the proceeds to the Free Rhett McMahn legal fund.

SurfWatch is an SL surf world reporting blog and has no intention, involvement or interest in RL information. However, falsely accusing SurfWatch members in order to have them suspended from investigating SL events only serves to involve SurfWatch further. Was the attempt by Clare Abbey, one of Austin's alts, to purchase SurfWatch also an attempt to silence SurfWatch? SurfWatch will keep readers informed.

Maria Brophy Interview

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brophy's Choose Aloha over other Options in Texture Dispute

by Rhett McMahn, Business Columnist and Investigative Reporter

Stemming from a series of postings in SurfWatch about a possible texture infringement of famous surfer and artist, Drew Brophy, a post was made by a person claiming to be Maria "Spunk" Brophy, wife and CEO of Son of the Sea, Incorporated, the marketing and licensing agency for all of Mr. Brophy's enterprises. On behalf of SurfWatch, I contacted Ms. Brophy (MB) first on Monday, July 20, 2009, with a pre-interview by phone. She could not at that time go into details of the situation but did confirm she had posted with her real name to the SurfWatch blog and that talks and negotiations were still underway. She promised SurfWatch a full exclusive interview. SurfWatch has given Ms. Brophy review and approval over the contents of this interview to assure accuracy. Today, myself and Maria Brophy sat down to complete our discussion on this topic of interest to the SL surfing community. Continue to watch SurfWatch for future updates to related topics.

SW: SurfWatch would like to confirm that Maria Brophy made the comment posting of July 6, 2009. What prompted you to comment on the SW comment postings at that time?
MB explained that more than one person from SL was contacting her about the board design question. They sent her the SW blog link. She was shocked by the anger and emotion of the bloggers. She could not believe how passionate they were, but felt that the discussions had gotten away from what she was concerned about, and that is the protection of her husband's intellectual property. She just wanted to state facts, set the record straight. She made a specific point that she didn't try to ever conceal her real identity.

SW: Was there any limited use agreement of Brophy textures made several years ago?
MB recalled that in 2006, SSi partner, Sebastian Saramago (SS) contacted them (the Brophy's) via e-mail. She didn't really understand what SS was talking about and, in her words, "kind of didn't think about it much." When asked if she ever responded, she recalls talking to him (SS) by phone but states she never explicitly gave permission to use Drew Brophy artwork. When asked to clarify whether she specifically denied the use of Brophy art, her reply was, "You know, I never said no, but never said yes." It bothered her a lot. MB says she had sleepless nights over making the right decision that would be best for everyone. And tho she had people urging her to come down hard on SSi, her gut instinct was telling her that the best thing to do was to work it out with them instead. She has a lot of respect for Sebastian and how he willingly cleaned the slate, so to speak. "SS took responsibility for his actions, made things right, and because of that integrity, Drew and I decided that he would be the right partner to bring quality surfboard to SL. I've spent hours with him on the phone. He is a very nice man." When asked if Drew Brophy was actively involved, MB explained, "I don't lay problems on Brophy until I've come to a decision on what I think we should do. Usually he agrees with what I come up with."

The board licensing and design issues in SL continued to bother her and options were brought to her by people in-world and by Drew fans. Some people were outraged. She had an option of a battle with lawyers under the Linden's DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), against SSi and SS. She is strong in her belief that SS is a good guy and didn't mean to do wrong by her personally or Drew. MB decided it would be better for everybody to move on and figure out how to bring Brophy to SL in the correct manner so everyone can enjoy it. "And he paid his licensing. We back-charged the agreement for the last three years as to be fair and reasonable. He agreed." They made an agreement as to financial terms and had an amicable discussion. "I'm a very direct person and was direct with him. He responded to that and apologized, and we worked it out. He wired money to our account. He did everything he said he was going to do. I appreciate that. We (have) decided to let SS license Drew's art to SSi so that he can make it available on his surfboards. We're working out the details right now."

SW: Can you share with us the current status of any additional arrangements being made to allow the use of Drew Brophy designs in SL?
MB laughed and explained that they will make a presence in SL, including Brophy's other merchandise like posters, prints, gift certificates, etc. They will cross market from SL to their online and RL functions, as well.

SW: Does the Brophy organization have a representative currently in SL they will be working exclusively through who will be representing them?
MB states that they have not. They do not at this time. Slowly and carefully, with planning, they will begin by representing themselves.

SW: Does Sebastian Saramago have a licensing exclusive?
MB was clear that SS and SSi is the first. She won't do a license for another person if it negatively impacts an existing license. "Everything we do, I weigh the pros and cons. Boards, artwork, etc. will be available." She and Drew will be a presence in SL.

SW: What are your thoughts about your experience with SL and SL surfing at this time?
MB laughed again, exclaiming openly that SL makes her nervous. She does seem excited about SL. She can see the potential, and she even understands what makes our community tick. "I surfed! I can't remember where it was." Figured it out pretty much on her own, with minor help by a friendly surfer who didn't even realize he was helping the famous "Spunk" Brophy! "I can walk into a RL party and not know anyone and by the time I leave, I know half the people. In SL, I'm real shy."

SW: What does the future hold? What does Drew think of it all?
MB states, "Drew's brother told him about SL about four years ago, and that he (Brophy) really should do something with it. It didn't register at the time, but he remembers his brother's conversation, and he thinks he wants to have a presence in it. Not sure how that will go - we can't even get him to answer his cell phone half the time." Drew might do some seminars in world via telecom, etc., and when she is comfortable with making sure her hair is not stuck to her back and her surfboard will rez, MB assures SW that the entire surfing world will get the opportunity to know Maria "Spunk" Brophy, and maybe with a little prodding, the man, the legend, the artist, the really laid back non-computer guy, Drew Brophy himself.

SW: Maria, thank you for your time today and for working with SW to get the truth to our community. SW would like to give you the opportunity to have the last word for our growing and learning community. Is there any final thought you would like to leave the SW readers with?
MB states, "We want to leave people with the feeling of aloha which is being friendly, welcoming people to sharing waves, making a contribution to the surf community. People do that in different ways, the waves, scripts, whatever - making a contribution. Drew contributes by doing what he does best, creating happy, colorful art. And hopefully (by) resolving this situation, maybe we can leave a message to people that you can resolve something amicably. It doesn't have to be a big battle. I really feel that about how we ended this chapter, knowing that I didn't go to battle with a human being that might have made a little mistake. Now we are working together to do something great for the surfing community. I hope that other people get that and understand cause I think there's some people that might be disappointed. I feel good about it, that it's resolved."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Editorial in SurfWatch about SLSA Topanga incident

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Editorial Comments

by Special Correspondent Rhett McMahn

Much like life, our SecondLife surfing community is in turmoil. I don't speak of turmoil in a negative sense, as it is really not. Turmoil is just part of our day to day world. Turmoil as in the gut wrenching feeling associated with what we know to be true and factual changing. The ending of a relationship; the loss of a loved one; the stresses associated with work, business, community, finances. All of these things play a factor in who we are at any given moment.

The SLSA was formed as a group of surfers who wanted to be connected personally as a community. They have transcended their original organizers’ hopes and evolved into a highly efficient sport sanctioning body. Every step along the way, there has been turmoil. It is all part of the evolution process in any SL group’s history. At some points, the turmoil seems larger. As adolescents, we call this turmoil "growing pains."

I read everything I can about our community. I study and write articles as a journalist. I listen to people discuss their issues. Not one person I have encountered has said anything wrong. Of the 10-20IMs a day I receive discussing various things, everyone has valid positions on every side of the situation. Not everyone in a community should have the same agenda, life would be boring. As I read other postings here in the SurfWatch venue, I observe tons of evidence supporting the entire surfing community’s "growing pains."

It was my pleasure to investigate this story about the SLSA's historic events surrounding the 2009 Season 1 Topanga comp. I have been able to spend time with some amazing people getting their feelings on the matter. I first interviewed Kimmy and learned her feelings on the matter. Always stern and intensely passionate to her beliefs, Kimmy laid out why she was so upset that day. She shared conversations she had with SB, and made you believe she was absolutely right about her reasons for creating a scene at her own hosted competition in her own sim. She was up front and frank when she stated that, even though she felt bad about how she chose to handle the moment, she would not back down from believing that what she did was right. Not only that, but that was done for the betterment of our sport. Even though Kimmy faced the turmoil of making that choice, losing her best ever finish in her competitive career, she acted from her heart for something she believes in.

After completing my first interview on my first lead assignment (within two hours) I got reminded of two well known SL facts. Loose lips abound and note cards travel fast. I still have not figured out why we as a species love our gossip, but I make my living now as a reporter so I don't argue. As I was interviewing, the interview was being cut and pasted by one of the people present to at least one 'trusted' friend, who note carded it and distributed it. I got my first introduction to SB within the two hours.

My first interaction with SB was brief. He pasted into my IM excerpts of the interview I had just finished. He told me quite convincingly how he felt about it, and what I was and was not going to do with my interview. Yeah I was pissed at first, but then laughed it off as this is nothing new. It happens in RL all the time. It is part of a community. It's part of my job. Of course, his view of what is right is his and yes, they are right. My views and understanding of journalistic license and laws lets me know I'm right. I followed up with him when I returned to work, we had a frank but professional conversation. I was surprised SB thanked me for staying objective and taking my time to care about surfing enough to write about it and stay on top of it. I actually was very surprised knowing my lead in article was about him posting as a non member in the SLSA's forum ( had ran just hours before.

SurfWatch Editor-in-Chief, Tauri Tigerpaw, interviewed SB on the matter, and he held true to his beliefs that the SLSA does not invite true competativeness, and that someone comes along and invests thousands of hours becoming good, they are not accepted, that other competitors are scared. He grasped at every available angle as to how the laws were flawed, unclear, that you have to join to enter, but not have to stay in the group to compete, others who had left the organization and come back. Not a stone unturned. I gained a lot of respect for SB in this process. As a true competitor, I respect how intensely he fought to get what he believed right out into the public eye. I, too, had opportunity to go to SB's new home and have a little face to face with the man who took the SLSA by storm in his rookie year. I tried to offer him suggestions of places he could find quality builds for his new place, and I started to understand more of what drives SB. He literally will not settle for anything he has not mastered and done himself. I understand that type of personality. I have it somewhat. My father was almost identical in philosophy to SB.

Is SB bitter? Yeah, but who could blame him? Was he wrong in fighting tooth and nail even though the SLSA has no appeal process? Absolutely not! SB is standing firm by his beliefs and even though his efforts will not correct his mistakes as seen by the Disciplinary Board of the SLSA, they will affect the thoughts of the people involved to make their organization better in the future. Perhaps some day maybe a structured rule for an appeal process? Who knows. But SB was right.

Nowhere in this process did I see evidence of huge amounts of pettiness. What I did see was tons of passion, tons of right opinions, and, yes, tons of turmoil. One thing occasionally being able to write editorials does is let me give MY opinion. Here are my thoughts. In my almost four years in SL, I have seen groups go through about a one year cycle of extreme issues as well as a major effort to self destruct themselves at about three years old. As a community, we all need to be aware that these turmoils are natural. As much as we would like them to never happen, they compound. Just last night new turmoil erupted, starting the next news cycle. SurfWatch is a news organization. We objectively report the news. By staying informed we reduce the effect these turmoils have on the negative side of our world and gives us information to think through our actions. Embrace the growing pains, stay involved to make a difference. Like my departed, father would have said. "Be part of the solution, not part of the problem." He would have liked both Kimmy and SB. I know I do.

SurfWatch Interview of Abel Halderman of SLSA

Sunday, June 28, 2009

SLSA Director Reflects on Recent Disciplinary Actions

By Rhett McMahn, Business Columnist and Special Correspondent

The last couple of weeks have been a trying time for the SL Surfers Association (SLSA). Their Directors were forced to instruct their Head Event Judge to form a disciplinary board against two of its more prominent members. SurfWatch caught up with SLSA Director (one of five) Abel Halderman by e-mail and asked him for his opinions on the process.

SW: Abel, for the first time in history, the SLSA has had to discipline some of its members. It proved to be tough for everyone. SW had an independent study done of the SLSA Constitution, Rules, Codes, and found the DB had the authority to hand down broad rulings and DQwas their correct option of action. Do you feel that even though unpopular, the processes put in place worked correctly?

AH: It was a dark moment for everyone. It was hard for the two people that were DQ’d, it was hard for all other surfers, and I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for the Committee members. However, what had been done about the two cases of Code of Conduct (CoC) violations was necessary. I’m not sure if it was unpopular.

I know that a few people didn’t see it as a right thing to do. Right now, besides those who were directly involved and accused, I can think of maybe 5 or 6 of those who were unhappy about the result. But you know what? I trust the committee. I know how hard they worked on the cases and how much stress it cost them. As you know, the definition of unsportsmanlike conduct is broad and in my opinion it should be so. The commission acted according to rules that we ALL accepted. They investigated all the facts, spoke to many witnesses, and finally made the decision, maybe the hardest one in the SLSA history. What kills me is that those people, that accepted the hardest job in the SLSA history, are now sometimes disrespected.

Let’s not forget, while in an election SLSA members vote for their representatives, when it comes to executing legal rules we, as a community, gave that right to the representatives. On the other hand, any of us is allowed to submit a proposal on changing those rules, too, so I encourage everyone to read the rules again and share their doubts and ideas like some of us did on the SLSA forum.

SW: The rulings came against the SLSA 2009 Season 1 reputed 'Bad Boy' SexyBoy Oh (SB) and SLSA Co-founder Kimmy Fitzgerald-Jigsaw. Do you feel that this process shows the ability of the SLSAto govern itself and its competitions fairly? Make decisions based on facts and not who is involved?

AH: The whole thing caused a lot of stress and negative emotions. I think SLSA is able to act against anyone if rules are broken and harm to the community is made. I can’t say “It’s too bad that it happened to Kimmy as one of the SLSA founders, and SB – one of the best surfers this season”. It should and will happen against anyone who breaks the CoC.

Of course there are always at least two sides of a case. So, I’m sure Kimmy had her reasons to act like she did, and SB had his. Personally, I’d say Kimmy cared so much about her baby – the SLSA– that she made a mistake and acted in a disrespectful way. Her intentions were not bad, but at the same time intentions are not something to judge. Actions are. As for SB, like I said in one of my posts on the SLSA forum, I think we disappointed him, as a community. I can understand his reasons to leave the group, I can understand more or less how he felt. At the same time, even that I understand that, it’s not intentions that are judged, but actions.

I had doubts before the whole process started. Not that I had anything to say about it. It is the Event Committee who executes sanctions, but I felt like sharing my thoughts with other directors. I thought it was a serious and important step that SLSA had to do. On one hand maybe it will never be the same. Maybe, as a group, we just lost some kind of innocence, if you know what I mean. By having that process we crossed some line. Since now there will be no excuse for unsportsmanship-like behavior which means no one will be able to act according to the “no see evil, no hear evil” saying, which for many of us was a nice thing to do. We rather wanted to forget and move on than face some facts. I’m not saying it was right. I just think that it was easier.

On the other hand, we have reached a point where violation of theCoC rules is becoming much more common than in past seasons, and that is a bad thing. Therefore, that process, even that it was so hard, even that it was painful, should have happened. Violation of the SLSA basic rules, our foundation, is not, and will be not tolerated.

SW: A lot of discussion was made both publicly and privately about the SLSA rules being currently edited; the infamous missing 'rule 2'; the FAQ being the only place that clearly states you must be a member to compete. What steps are being put in place to correct this before next season?

AH: In my opinion, Rule 2 is complete. The FAQ says something that is obvious. Want to be treated with event rules, win or lose, earn points? You need to be in the group = having accepted its rules. However, I do agree that one or two clauses may need be added to it, and I know that at lease some of other directors think the same way. The off season IS to correct things that didn’t work or didn’t work the way we expected them to. There are a couple of projects on modifying rules coming, and I think one of them will be about specifying the CoC rule 2, although personally, I would say it should stay broad because it is impossible to predict all kinds of general sportsmanship violation behavior.

SW: Looking forward... What's next for the SLSA, what should its members be excited about going into 2009 Season 2?

AH: Before the next season starts, we will have a surprise for our surfers. I shouldn’t talk about it yet, though. It will be announced soon.

As for the next season, we can expect a lot of excitement. SLSA will be still growing and hopefully the Board will be ready to handle large competitions even better than this past season. My hope is that if we organize the responsibilities within SLSA a little better, we’ll be able to get involved in different kinds of activities. We are discussing possible ways of cooperation with other surfing associations. Just imagine how much of excitement that can bring! I am also sure that a lot about the excitement can be done by small simple changes, just like drastically modifying or removing the “no tie for second place” rule, as suggested by SLSA members on the forum. What I, as a surfer, expect from the organization is fun! Give me fun and I’m happy! “Fun” is not a simple thing though. It is consisted of positive vibes, good ruling and exciting events. That’s what the Board’s only interest and a general plan for the next season.

SurfWatch Post of me in SurfWatch's Calender

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Surf Love and SurfWatch Announce Winners of 2009 Beach Babes Calendar Contest!

SurfWatch will be featuring each winner from the Surf Love 2009 Beach Babes Calender Contest. One of the 12 delicious beach babes will be chosen to model in a SurfWatch in-world magazine edition. If you'd like to see more of a Surf Love/SurfWatch beach babe, just let us know by leaving a comment and maybe your fave will be chosen! And be on the lookout for more information on the 2010 calendar starting soon!

January - Rhett McMahn

"In constant search of that one God given perfect wave. Lost the ability to do it RL. Thank God for SL (smiles)."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rhett's First Surf "Going Wet" Repost from SLSA Forum

OK, So here it is Saturday... ::MD:: has been up for three hours pacing the floor... "We're sorry but there is a problem logging you into SecondLife."

WHAAAT? But it's Saturday morning... Surf's up... Oh you... never-mind.

In lieu of my morning surf I guess I will start this thread for people to tell crazy surf stories. Either RL or SL. I know you all got them. Here is my first. It is my introductory piece as your new SL Business Columnist and Field Reporter for SurfWatch News & Views. I will put the link below. Please give us a read and subscribe to our feed to get the latest in all SL Surfing News.
But for my SLSA friends, you get to read my first before press time, enjoy:

I was born a long time ago in Chula Vista California. An actor named Regan who was famous for sleeping with a monkey was Governor of the State... but I digress.

My Father, an Auto Mechanic, was an Olympic hopeful Ski Jumper who got his knee injured in WWII which he had been drafted for right out of High School ending his Skiing career. It also made it difficult for him to do allot of sporting activities, especially ones that required allot of twisting.

We lived in a quiet neighborhood where the people next door without pause would stretch a hand out to help the family down the street. Not unlike the people of our SL Surfing community do. The killer thing was not more then five miles away, on any given day, there was sun, sand, surf, and festivities going on. Welcome to southern California.

In the 60's our economy was structured allot different then it is today. Family's were not quite as "equally" balanced as we are now. Not saying good or bad, as I seemed to have been raised fairly adjusted, or at least my Mother tried her best against all my best efforts. What this time did allow for was the "stay at home Mom." My Father worked hard long hours away from the home each day and my Mother worked equally long hard hours to manage the home, my half-sister, and me.

Mom had a tough time with me from the start. I was born two weeks premature, c-section, and they almost lost my Mother to bleeding. I was born at 11:36PM Christmas night in 1961 putting my Mother and Father in a panic for the entire 1961 Christmas season. Mom was a trooper though as she had successfully brought forth a son. Her only child as it would turn out due to the complications of the pregnancy.

In my early years the doctors had to work hard to get me fixed up. See in those days we didn't understand the dangers of smoking and drinking like we do now. I don't blame my mother, she didn't know. In my first 3 years they repaired a hernia, put my tiny frail body in an oxygen tent twice to treat pneumonia, and it looked like I was going to have adolescent asthma.

My Mother took all this and the fact she couldn't have another child hard. To find comfort she would spend hours on the beach in a cabana tent rocking me, listening to the waves. She told me later in life that being sick I would cry allot and it seemed like the the waves would make me calm down and eventually sleep in her arms. She said she would sit and cry and pray to God I would be alright. Boy howdy, be careful what you ask for!

Our next door neighbors were a retired couple named Walter and Teresa Bent. He was a retired Aerospace Engineer and she was a beautiful older Spanish Lady who I remember cooked really well. I used to go from the time I was allowed to walk next door with my mom to the Bent's and would bug Mr. Bent like Dennis the Mennis. Mr. Bent had this thing up in the rafters of his garage that I would bug him about. "Wasss that?" He'd reply "a surfboard." I'd without pause ask "Can I play?" he'd say "Nope not old enough, but when you are I will teach you."

Well after much discussion with my parents, during summer vacation after my year of Kindergarten, it was decided I could learn to surf. Mr. Bent would teach me as my Father couldn't with his knee. My Mother was not too happy but my Father assured her that he learned to ski that young it was "good for the boy's development!" Ha! Little did he know.

Mr. Bent had gotten this monster of wood with a single shark fin down from the rafters and had done his best to fix it up. I didn't care that the varnish had yellowed and cracked. It was huge! It was amazing! And... Mr. Bent's, trying to lecture me while I stood in awe of this thing on two sawhorses I had only seen in a distance watching the surfers on the beach, only words that rang through to my head were "If you can learn to ride it... it is yours!"

Now I don't know if y'all have seen a 7 foot Hennon from 1960. Not a longboard by any means, but a thick monster of a board for a 60 pound first grader standing all of three foot five inches. Mr. Bent started me on a built up mound of sand teaching me how to lay on the board, paddle, pop a jump to my feet, boogie and crouch. Over and over all morning until I could do it on command he worked me like a Drill Sergent. We all had a picnic lunch and then after the proper wait time not to get cramps we went wet!

Well, I took to it in grand style. I'm telling you, I was a natural. Now I was surfing about a foot to eighteen inch fluffies but I was spotting my waves and paddling as hard as I could and riding to the shore. Every now and then a roller would curl just a bit and I was the next grand champion surfer shooting that curl. Then it happened... A little bit bigger wave came and even though Mr. Bent had told me to pick my waves carefully I didn't listen and I experienced my first headlong off the board official kawabunga style face plant! Ouch! Cry! No wait! don't cry! I couldn't cry because Mr. Bent would not give me the board. I found the board and grabbed it and headed back out to the waves. It was then I realised... I had lost my swim trunks.

So picture the scene, this small boy paddling like crazy on a board twice his height in length bare butt proudly pointed to the sky. I wasn't stopping. If I stopped I just knew Mr. Bent would be mad I lost my trunks and wouldn't give me the board. As Mr. Bent would try to catch me I would shift my wait get low in my crouch and shred that wave heading back out for the next one, my Mother with my trunks in her hand shouting for me to come in. There I am over and over, wiener in the breeze, shooting my first waves and showing total disregard for authority. I bring those same qualities now to SL.

Mr. Bent gave me the board. (I don't have a picture of mine as it is long gone but I've included one from the Malibu Online Surfboard Museum

Mom took in my trunks and instructed me in the Morality or lack of of nudity.
So... Late at night... When you find me trespassing in your private surf sim, riding your curls butt naked? You have got two options: Stand on the shore and shout in the immortal words of my Mother "Get you ass back here and put your swim suit on!" Or... you can strip off your clothes, thank God for the waves, and ride free with me.

Please read this and all of my upcoming reports and columns on SL Business as it pertains to our Community at

And look for articles by our other amazing writers Tauri Tigerpaw, Editor-in-Chief; Ashleigh Dickins, Reporting Editor; Colleen Brennan, Special Correspondent; Socks Clawtooth, Senior Furry Correspondent; Abel Halderman, Special Correspondent; and our nutty bag waring Dr. Love our Love Advice Columnist. All of these people are SLSA members working hard to bring you impartial news on everything SL surfing. I am proud to be included in their midst.

Thank you for including me in your Family. Until next time... Aloha.